Recruitment in compliance with the rules of ethics and diversity


We are a member of Syntec Conseil in recruitment with a very active and continuous participation (since 1992) in the work of our professional association, on all the ethical and societal issues of our profession.

François Humblot, Founder and now Partner at Grant Alexander – Executive Search was a Director of Syntec Conseil en Recrutement from 1992 to 2016 and was its President from 1996 to 2001.

Our actions and contributions :

  • Creation of a charter of ethics in the 1990s, which has been revised several times and became the Responsible Recruitment Charter in 2014.
  • In 2007, a list of commitments “for discrimination-free recruitment” was signed with the Halde (now the Rights Defender).
  • Signature of the Diversity Charter.
  • Very active participation in the promotion of the Citizen CV (from 2012) aimed at promoting the valorisation of voluntary commitments in the CV of candidates.

The group is now involved in several commissions (Recruitment, Coaching and Outplacement, SD/CSR and Promotion and Communication on gender equality).




Improving relational quality


An initiative of AFQP (Association France Qualité Performance dite France Qualité), France Qualité is a grouping of three entities and aims to federate, lead and coordinate all the networks of French public and private players dealing with quality, progress and management systems.

Its objective is to foster dialogue and exchanges between its various members, to establish common positions and disseminate recommendations, to shed light on quality and operational excellence for public authorities and any external body, as well as to deploy a national communication strategy and to ensure a role of monitoring, alert and questioning.

The group is an active member of France Qualité. In 2020, François Humblot, Partner, contributed to the writing of a chapter dedicated to the onboarding of employees for “Le Livre Blanc de la Qualité” on the importance of soft skills. You can find his contribution here.